Objective and Work Packages


The overall objective of the iPaaSki project is to develop and implement new and innovative pricing schemes to create value in the Alpine Skiing industry

Work Packages:

Project members

Erik Haugom

Project Manager

Overall responsibility of the project and involved in WP3-WP5.

Iveta Malasevska

Project Researcher

Responsible for WP2 and involved in WP3-WP5. 

Gudbrand Lien

Project Researcher

Responsible for WP3 and involved in WP3-WP5

Andreas Hinterhuber

Project Researcher

Involved in WP2-WP5.

Per Kristian

PhD Student

Involved in WP3-WP5. 

M.Sc. and B.Sc. students at INN

Project researchers

Involved in WP3-WP5.